Thursday, April 15, 2010

step 1

well step 2 in reality.
step 1 would be staring endlessly at your blank canvas, that might be a while..

* charcoal on canvas

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


If this doesn't teach me patience I don't know what will.

Monday, April 12, 2010


i was studying the letter ain today & thought why not give my marbled paper a try!
this i'd like to do on a larger scale

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The good the bad & the ugly

-I haven't painted for a while and have missed it dreadfully.
It feels so good to be back at it.
- the bad & the ugly are time-lines in the 'no painting' zone.
60×60 cm
Acrylic on canvas

Friday, April 02, 2010

أنشودة المطر

I was asked to paint this for a wedding present.
one of my fav poems.
أنشودة المطر للسياب
عيناك غابتا نخيل ساعة السحر
أو شرفتان راح ينأى عنهما القمر
عيناك حين تبسمان تورق الكروم
وترقص الأضواء كالأقمار في نهر