Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Blueberry Jam.... Oil

I'm not a big fan of jam but i love those Smuckers jars!
been intending to paint it since forever! did this bit this afternoon.
(4.5*6 inch) oil.

Apple A Day,,,, WIP... Oil

another small (4.5*6 inch). loving these fruits!

added the stawberry for a bit of color.

hmmm... it going to be tricky finishing it though as i've eaten my setup... :O)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

polka dot pear.... Oil

and more fruit! a pear..

i was just setting up to paint and i noticed how nice it looked next to my polkadoted mug...

so i added a polka dot background! yay!.. way too excited about

- i'd intended to finese this, soften.... but i like how it looks so i might just fix up the backgound...

we'll see....
* (4.5*6 inch)

coffee cup... WIP 2nd dose... Oil

worked abit more on my cup since last posted. decided against the books background...

looking better already...

one more stop with this i think.. will keep u posted.

(8*10) canvas panel.

My Strawberries... Oil

i find fruit very tempting to paint. & i knew i just had to paint these strawberries the minute i set eyes on them in the store!

i'm trying to work more on smaller pieces, spot focus ... one man shows, (maybe 2 like the strawberries. :p)

this is ( 4.5 *6 ) inch... oil.

the colors a bit better in the original, i'm a lousy photographer.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

too many WIPS!! .... oils

i've too many projects going on! need to get them out of my hair pretty soon.

also painting from life,

i see the spoons' angle's off in the pic. thats what u get for moving ur set up around. (yes i was drinking coffee in the cup AND painting it!).

oil on 8*10 canvas panel.

Friday, February 23, 2007

My Brushes....WIP... watercolor

this is a small piece -A4- in watercolor.

I'm painting it from life.

the painting's still in progress... not sure where it's going yet.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Perfume Bottle.... Oil

a small piece, 8*10 canvas panel.

* sienna, burnt sienna, cad red, cad yellow, thalo blue.

a WIP of sorts.

1. my set up( the bottle),

2. sketch (lifted color with a rag).

3. then color.

Monday, February 19, 2007

an Orange, a Lemon & an Apple... finished

all done.

an Orange, a Lemon & an Apple... watercolor

( in progress.)
. Fruit!

i love painting fruit.

just finished this. will post the finished piece later on, tomorrow at the most. it's still wet.
* A4

Saturday, February 17, 2007


I'm not sure if this is a landscape or a seascape :p

was tempted to add some ink touches but thought it over. it is FINISHED.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

pour it on....WIP

Here i literally poured on the paint. lifted it off.... not finished... i've not decided if its going to be a landscape or a seascape.

As always, Lots of fun here!

wc never seizes to amaze me... you can experiment endlessly & find something new each time..

- 10*14 inch.

- color palettes the same from the previous WIP.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Evening Bridge.... take II

I worked some more on this today. I'm still contemplating the leaves... i'm not sure i want to color them...

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Evening Bridge... watercolro WIP

I'm working on this right now, took a bit off to post it as it comes together.
i'm using a very simple palette of:

lemon yellow,cadmium medium yellow, brilliant red,crimson red, pthalo blue & viridans green.

* will keep you posted.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

a snack....

* another acrylic watercolor.

"acrylic watercolor" landscape

* acrylic watercolor on paper

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

My Monet Corner.... WIP

I have this piece in progress.

a little vase i've set up infront of my monet prints.

* oil on canvas panel.

Monday, February 05, 2007

back to oils - Old Green Jar

haven't done any oils in quite a while.

good to be back.

8*10 Oil on canvas panel